Candlestick Chart forms a column with vertical lines that is used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency for a designated span of time. Given example shows stock price of Ericsson as PHP Candlestick Chart. It also includes source code that you can try running locally.
<?php $dataPoints = array( array("x" => 1514485800000, "y" => array(54.15 ,54.55 ,53.65 ,53.85)), array("x" => 1514399400000, "y" => array(54.6 ,54.7 ,53.75 ,54.15)), array("x" => 1514313000000, "y" => array(55.4 ,55.5 ,54.05 ,54.85)), array("x" => 1513881000000, "y" => array(56 ,56.2 ,54.9 ,55.4)), array("x" => 1513794600000, "y" => array(54.85 ,56.15 ,54.6 ,56.05)), array("x" => 1513708200000, "y" => array(55.8 ,56 ,54.45 ,54.75)), array("x" => 1513621800000, "y" => array(56.5 ,56.5 ,55.65 ,55.75)), array("x" => 1513535400000, "y" => array(55.15 ,56.8 ,55.1 ,56.55)), array("x" => 1513276200000, "y" => array(55.35 ,55.4 ,54.75 ,55.1)), array("x" => 1513189800000, "y" => array(55.95 ,56.2 ,54.2 ,55.45)), array("x" => 1513103400000, "y" => array(53.75 ,56.5 ,53.7 ,55.9)), array("x" => 1513017000000, "y" => array(53.5 ,53.95 ,53 ,53.8)), array("x" => 1512930600000, "y" => array(53 ,53.1 ,52.15 ,52.65)), array("x" => 1512671400000, "y" => array(53.15 ,53.5 ,52.7 ,52.9)), array("x" => 1512585000000, "y" => array(52.7 ,53.45 ,52.6 ,52.85)), array("x" => 1512498600000, "y" => array(52.85 ,52.85 ,51.6 ,52.4)), array("x" => 1512412200000, "y" => array(52.45 ,53.45 ,52.1 ,53.25)), array("x" => 1512325800000, "y" => array(52.4 ,53.8 ,52.2 ,52.65)), array("x" => 1512066600000, "y" => array(52.5 ,52.95 ,51.85 ,51.95)) ) ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { title: { text: "Ericsson Stock Price - December 2017" }, subtitles: [{ text: "Currency in Swedish Krona" }], axisX: { valueFormatString: "DD MMM" }, axisY: { suffix: " kr" }, data: [{ type: "candlestick", xValueType: "dateTime", yValueFormatString: "#,##0.0 kr", xValueFormatString: "DD MMM", dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> }] }); chart.render(); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>
You can set risingColor or fallingColor to show the rising or falling price in different colors. Some other commonly used customizations include color, fillOpacity, etc.