Forum Replies Created by Priyanka M S

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 393 total)
  • in reply to: Increasing Size hides labels #21741


    Thanks for reporting the issue. We will look into the issue and fix it in future releases.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: change individual label color #21586


    Changing font weight or color of the axis label for individual dataPoint is not possible as of now.

    However, you can use stripLines to achieve the same. Please take a look at this jsfiddle, where the fontColor and fontWeight of stripLine labels are set to achieve a label as that of axis label.
    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Zoom out on change? #21585


    If viewportMinimum and viewportMaximum are not set/ reset, minimum and maximum values of axis will become the viewport’s range. So, when you are trying to reset viewportMinimum/viewportMaximum, do consider and reset minimum/maximum accordingly.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Load CanvasJS with JSON #21584


    In the jsfiddle provided, a dataSeries is created for every unique ‘grade’. In that case, the first dataSeries has 4 dataPoints where as the remaining 5 dataSeries has 3 dataPoints each, for which the axisX labels are rendered accordingly. Also in any multiseries chart, the labels rendered along axisX will be that of the last dataSeries. Because of which you can see the label ‘2018-2019’ repeated. By disabling shared tootTip, you can observe this behavior clearly.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Zoom out on change? #21404


    Could you please create a sample project depicting your issue and share it over Onedrive or Google-Drive? So that we can look into the code, understand your scenario better and help you out.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Stacked Column Chart resizing #21403


    Could you please create a sample project depicting your issue and share it over Onedrive or Google-Drive, so that we can look into the code, understand your scenario better and help you out?

    Priyanka M S
    Team Canvas JS

    in reply to: Extra spaces in dateTime axis #21398


    If interval is not set, it gets automatically calculated based on the values of dataPoints. The spacing is different because the dataPoint x-values in both the examples(your fiddle and CanvasJS website) are different. The minimum, maximum and interval is calculated based on the dataPoints you provide and spacing is calculated accordingly.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: IndexLabels disapper #21397


    indexLabels are skipped whenever they get closer to other labels – this behavior is by design. On reducing width of chart the index labels get close to each other and looks clumpsy. Hence few indexLabels gets skipped.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: send json to datapoint #21386


    Please take a look at this updated sample project.

    Here are the few changes made to your project:
    1. The variables DE TAQUILLA 4 was not defined with any values. Now it’s defined.
    2. Make sure the dataPoints are available before the chart is rendered. The PHP code for SQL is written before the script for rendering chart.
    3. Used JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK as parameter in json_encode() method in order to convert string value of dataPoint(PHP variable) to it’s corresponding numeric value.

    PHP column chart with date filter

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Stacked Line Chart #21385

    You can achieve stacked line chart with the help of stacked area chart by setting fillOpacity: 0. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.


    You can achieve stacked line chart with the help of stacked area chart by customizing it with color: "transparent" and using lineColor, markerColor and toolTipContent properties based on your requirement. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Vishwas R.
    in reply to: Extra spaces in dateTime axis #21383


    Axis minimum and maximum depends on the first data point value, last data point value and the interval. Hence, spacing to the left and right of chart will be calculated based on the axis minimum, maximum and interval.

    The left x value given is that of 12 am, but the chart always starts from 11:30 no matter what the width of the chart is.

    Axis X is a time scale and dataPoints are placed on the scale based on it’s values.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Z-scaling when changing values – Not working #21382


    Considering this to be a duplicate of this thread.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Z-scaling when changing values – Not working #21381


    The z-scaling of the largest bubble, depends on the z-scaling of the smallest bubble. If you have a reference dataPoint, which is considerably small compared to the remaining dataPoints, you can notice the actual difference in size among the dataPoints.

    You can add a dummy/reference dataPoint and setting the color: "transparent", toolTipContent: null, will make the dummy dataPoint invisible/ inactive. Please take a look at this jsfiddle, which has a reference dataPoint and reads user’s data from external JSON.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: send json to datapoint #21369


    We are looking into it, and will get back to you at the earliest.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: set the multiple horizontal line by user input #21368


    Crosshair is used to show the x & y axis values at the current mouse co-ordinates or the nearest data points. It is not possible to drag and drop Crosshair. However, you can achieve drag and drop functionality with striplines. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.

    You can accept input value from user and place a stripline at specified position. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 393 total)