Forum Replies Created by driven13

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • in reply to: Changing the labels of the X-axis #25868


    Appreciate the fast response. That was exactly what I was looking for.

    Related question: We have been using the custom color-set and it has been working well for the most part.
    When a chart is rendered for the first time, it picks the colors from this custom color-set. From that point forward, the exact same colors are being used for the same datapoints every time someone pulls up that same chart. Is there any way to “clear the cache” so that every time the same chart is rendered, it picks a different color from the same custom color-set that we are using…???

    Hopefully I am making sense here…:)

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Changing the labels of the X-axis #25858

    Thanks for the response. That worked nicely.

    Is there any way to set the color of one of the stacks using a parameter.

    Currently, the colors are automatically set by the system from our custom set of colors. We need to set a specific color to one of the values.

    Is this possible..??


    in reply to: Custom color palate #25715

    Also, I have a related question: Once CanvasJS sets the colors of a chart, can they be reset to use other colors even if it is using the same color palate in both instances…??

    The colors are assigned in exactly the same way even if I refresh the page/chart. Is there any way to “dynamically” assign different colors when refreshed…??


    in reply to: Displaying multiple values for the same option #25460


    Actually we took a look at the page that you were referring to in your post, but we really don’t understand how we can create a scatter-type chart that displays all the results on one chart.

    Referring to my original example above, how can we display all the various number of each search, with the number of points depicted on the chart equal to ALL the times each search has been performed…?? So, if Apple has been searched 5 times, there needs to be 5 points on the chart.

    Can this be achieved so that it is depicted as a scatter chart or something similar because a column chart is not going to work in this case.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Displaying multiple values for the same option #25443

    Appreciate the response.

    Can you please point me to the specific section on the page that you referenced that will help me to get what I am looking for..???

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)