Forum Replies Created by Anjali

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 171 total)
  • in reply to: Request: Stacked Step Area #7210


    We don’t have stacked step area chart in our roadmap but we will consider in future.

    Anjali Jain

    in reply to: Charts do not render in IE #7197


    RespondJS is being used to make our website(Bootstrap based) work with IE8 and it doesn’t work perfectly all the time. So the problem is with the website and not the Charting Library itself. So you can download the library and use it at your end – it should work fine on IE8.


    in reply to: Y axis range & Zoom Functionality #7192


    We have just released v1.9.6 Beta with Methods & Properties, which allows you to programmatically export chart as image, print chart, access internally calculated values, etc. Please refer to the release blog for more information.


    We currently don’t have a way to access minimum and maximum values that are auto calculated. At the same time we think the chart should not override the values initially set by the user while zooming – which defeats the purpose of setting minimum and maximum (by users). Hence we don’t intend to implement the same.


    in reply to: How can I use PHP MySQL Dynamic data #7177


    Yes, we can surely help you with that. Before that can you please post your code along with the json data so we can have a look.


    in reply to: legend highlight #7160


    For doing the same, you can use the chart properties inside the mouse events and call chart.render(). Here, is an example. But we’ll surely consider making this the default behavior in future versions.


    in reply to: How to show labels just where have data points #7157


    For doing the same, set the valueFormatString to empty string inside axisX and assign the formatted date to the label. Here is an example.

    For formatting dateTime values you can use Either use MomentJS or assign it directly on the server side too.

    because in responsive (resolution < 768px) gets a mess

    Just want to know what is going wrong when resolution is < 768px. Can you please create a JSFiddle so that we can have a look. As long as you have not set interval property, it should automatically adjust to any screen size. Try changing window size in this example.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Anjali.
    in reply to: Not able to render Graph using PHP #7099


    CanvasJs Expects the value to be integer – stings are not parsed automatically. So you’ll have to parse y values before assigning. Below is how you can do the same.

    $(document).ready(function () {
    	var dataPoints = [];
    	$.getJSON("data1.php", function (result) {
    		for(var i = 0; i <= result.length-1; i++) {
    			dataPoints.push({label: result[i].label, y: parseInt(result[i].y)});
    	var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
    		data: [
    			dataPoints: dataPoints


    in reply to: Graph not responsive when loaded as hidden #7091


    You avoid that flicker by setting width and height of chart to it’s container’s dimensions. By doing so you won’t have to use animation callback function. Here is an example.


    in reply to: Chart not responsive when hidden #7090


    What is happening here is that, when the container is hidden, it’s height and width will be 0 and hence chart takes default width and height of 500 x 400. So You just need to call chart.render() after making the container visible so that chart updates its width and height. We have demonstrated the same in the previous example.


    in reply to: MySQL xAxis date format #7089


    CanvasJS Expects the value to be either timeStamp or Date object – strings are not parsed automatically. Hence you can either parse the date at client side or use the time Stamp value.

    For displaying the time in axis labels, you can set the valueFormatString property to hh:mm:ss tt.

    Please take a look at this JSFiddle.

    Chart with axisx labels in time format


    in reply to: How to Plot Complete Date and Time On X axis #7088


    As of now changing labelAngle is the only solution for this. We’ll look into this issue in future version.


    in reply to: Styling Being Ignored? Chart too big for page. #7069


    When the container is hidden it will take the height and width 0 so that canvas is using it’s default width and height (500 * 400). So You just need to call chart.render() after you are going to show the div in which you are plotting the chart so that chart will use the width and height of container. Here is an example.


    in reply to: Graph not responsive when loaded as hidden #7066

    Call the chart.render() inside the callback function of toggle(). like:

    $(this).next().toggle("slow", function() {


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Anjali.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Anjali.
    in reply to: Chart not responsive when hidden #7065


    You just need to call chart.render() after you are going to show the div in which you are plotting the chart. Here is an example.


    in reply to: Standard Deviation and Cumulative Percent #7043

    You can calculate standard deviation and cumulative percentage and assign that calculated values to axis values. Here, is an example.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Anjali.
Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 171 total)