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how to move navigator dynamically

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  • #32829

    I want to move the navigator by an animation? is this possible or I have to change the minimum and maximum of the scroll by a timer?



    As of now, moving navigator slider with animation is not available as an inbuilt future. However, scrolling with the help of a timer might work but can have an impact on the performance. We will work further on it and get back to you at the earliest.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS



    Animating the shifting of slider can be achieved by updating minimum and maximum values of the slider using a timer. You can update the minimum and maximum values at a frequent interval inside the rangeChanged event handler with the help of a timer as shown in the code below.

    rangeChanged: function(e) {
      if (flag === false && e.source === "navigator") {
        if (min < e.minimum) {
          animateSlider("right", e);
          animationTimer = setInterval(animateSlider, 50, "right", e);
        if (max > e.maximum) {
          animateSlider("left", e);
          animationTimer = setInterval(animateSlider, 50, "left", e);
      } else {
        min = e.stockChart.navigator.slider.get("minimum");
        max = e.stockChart.navigator.slider.get("maximum");

    In the above code snippet, animateSlider method updates the minimum and maximum values. Please refer to the code snippet below for the same.

    function animateSlider(direction, e) {
        var range = (e.maximum - e.minimum);
        if(direction === "left")
          range = -(range);
        if(min < e.minimum || max > e.maximum) {
          e.stockChart.navigator.slider.set("minimum", (min + range / animationSpeed), false);
          e.stockChart.navigator.slider.set("maximum", (max + range / animationSpeed));
          min = min + range / animationSpeed;
          max = max + range / animationSpeed;
        if ((min >= e.minimum && direction === "right") || (max <= e.maximum && direction === "left")) {

    Also, kindly check this JSFiddle for complete code of an working example on the same.

    animate slider on click

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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