Error Charts are used to show uncertainty or variability of data and used on graphs to indicate the same in reported measurement. Error Graphs can be combined with all charts with axis including Line, Column, Bar, Area etc. Given example shows simple jQuery Error Chart with Column Chart along with source code that you can edit in-browser or save to run locally.
window.onload = function () { var options = { animationEnabled: true, title: { text: "Lifespan of Appliances" }, axisX: { interval: 1 }, axisY: { title: "Lifespan", suffix: " Years" }, toolTip: { shared: true }, data: [{ type: "column", name: "Average", toolTipContent: "<b>{label}</b><br><span style=\"color:#4F81BC\">{name}</span>: {y} Years", dataPoints: [ { y: 10, label: "Air-Conditioners" }, { y: 4, label: "Computers" }, { y: 20, label: "Furnaces" }, { y: 16, label: "Electric Ranges" }, { y: 6, label: "Packaging Machines" }, { y: 11, label: "Refrigerators" }, { y: 10, label: "Washing Machine" }, { y: 11, label: "Water Heaters" } ] }, { type: "error", name: "Variance", toolTipContent: "<span style=\"color:#C0504E\">{name}</span>: {y[0]} - {y[1]} Years", dataPoints: [ { y: [8, 15], label: "Air-Conditioners" }, { y: [3, 5], label: "Computers" }, { y: [15, 25], label: "Furnaces" }, { y: [13, 20], label: "Electric Ranges" }, { y: [3, 7], label: "Packaging Machines" }, { y: [9, 13], label: "Refrigerators" }, { y: [5, 15], label: "Washing Machine" }, { y: [8, 12], label: "Water Heaters" } ] }] }; $("#chartContainer").CanvasJSChart(options); }
You can customize whiskers by using whiskerLength, whiskerThickness, whiskerColor & whiskerDashType properties. Other frequently used customization options are color, stemThickness, etc.