Charts can easily be integrated with jQuery UI Popup Modals and other common elements like Tabs, Accordions, etc. Given example shows Column Chart inside a jQuery Popup Modal using CanvasJS jQuery plugin. It also includes source code that you can edit in-browser or save to run locally.
window.onload = function () { var options = { animationEnabled: true, title: { text: "GDP Growth Rate - 2016" }, axisY: { title: "Growth Rate (in %)", suffix: "%" }, axisX: { title: "Countries" }, data: [{ type: "column", yValueFormatString: "#,##0.0#"%"", dataPoints: [ { label: "Iraq", y: 10.09 }, { label: "T & C Islands", y: 9.40 }, { label: "Nauru", y: 8.50 }, { label: "Ethiopia", y: 7.96 }, { label: "Uzbekistan", y: 7.80 }, { label: "Nepal", y: 7.56 }, { label: "Iceland", y: 7.20 } ] }] }; $("#showChart").click(function() { $("#dialogBox").dialog({ open: function(event,ui) { $(".ui-widget-overlay").bind("click", function(event,ui) { $("#dialogBox").dialog("close"); }); }, closeOnEscape: true, draggable: false, resizable: false, title: "GDP Growth Rate", width: 700, modal: true, show: 500 }); $(".ui-widget-overlay").css({"background-color": "#111111"}); $("#chartContainer").CanvasJSChart(options); }); }