Forum Replies Created by Roger Scherping

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  • in reply to: Y-Axis Formatting #43099

    Here’s the image

    in reply to: Y-Axis Formatting #43108

    Is there something wrong with this post? My replies containing the link to the image are not appearing.

    in reply to: Y-Axis Formatting #43089

    Two graphs look identical in their shape, but the Y-axis on the first graph covers a range of nearly 100, while the Y-axis on the second covers a range of only 9. The two presentations make the two data sets look similar.

    However, if I adjust the Y-axis for the second graph to the same (larger) range as the first graph, then it is clear that the large fluctuations in the second graph are actually quite small. The change to the Y-axis has flattened out the second graph, making it look very different from the first graph.

    If I’m presenting two comparable data sets, I want to have similar Y-axis ranges. Can I do that in CanvasJS?

    Is there a way I can attach pictures of what I mean?

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