Interval isn’t what I need.
Here a representation about step/pitch/interval between points:
Is it possible to change this value ? At this moment this value is defined automatically based on the number of data: more you have points, less this value is important.
In my example we can consider the step is 50px (for example), if I add data, this step will change and will be less than 50px. I would like to control this step in order to say to the chart “whatever the number of data the step will be the same”. Is it possible ?
I know maximum exists (https://canvasjs.com/docs/charts/chart-options/axisx/maximum/) it will fix the step by locking the axis, but it’s not exactly what I’m looking for !
Second question:
When you define the width of the chart like that:
<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 400px; width: 800px;"></div>
800px will be the width of everything and not only the points.
Thank you for your help !
Second question:
The width of the chart is the width of all the chart, is there a way to control the width of the chart with data (from the first point to the last point) only (without titles…) ?
I have another question about coordinates:
Is it possible to get coordinates of axis X and Y ?
If I understood convertValueToPixel right, I have for example this data: [[0,12],[10,66],[20,42]]
And in order to get coordinates of [10,66], I need to write:
chart.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(10) and chart.axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(66) ? Is that correct ?
Then if that’s right I just have to write chart.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(0) and chart.axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(0) to get the coordinate of axis X?
Thank you.
That’s better thank you !
Oh ok thank you a lot !
Hello Suyash Singh,
Thank you for your answer.
I saw we can get the number of event but what I want is the value/label of X when I zoom or when I use the pan. I don’t really understand how it works, can you tell more ?
Best regards,
I have another question with viewport.
For example I have this graph: https://canvasjs.com/docs/charts/basics-of-creating-html5-chart/zooming-panning/
We can zoom by using drag & drop, is it possible to get the viewportMinimum and the viewportMaximum of this zoom ?
I tried to console.log both but it’s “undefined”. Is it possible to get this value after zooming with the mouse ?
Thank’s !
Amazing, thank you a lot !
Example for the grid: When I click on a button, the grid appears/disappears
Thank you !
And is it possible to create a stripLine dynamically ?
For example I have a graph and when I click on a button, it will add a new StripLine.
Same question for grid, is it possible ?
Hello mariosantos,
If your use is non-commercial, I think you can use the free version.
For more details, you should send an e-mail here: info@canvasjs.com
That’s perfect thank you !
Is that possible ?
Thank you a lot that’s it !