Forum Replies Created by d3bsky

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #23043

    Thanks for help, nowhere I can change the information on how to change the format of the displayed date which is displayed when you hover over a point of the chart. How can I change this?

    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22606

    Can I change the type of time displayed to 24 hour format? Using your advice, I display the hour using: dps.push({"x":new Date(result[i].time), "y":result[i].temp}); on the x-axis I have an hour, however, the date is displayed on the chart next to the value, eg: “02 Sep 18:” Can I change it?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by d3bsky.
    in reply to: The graph loses the centering – a strange right margin #22605

    How can I change the interval if I have a date in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format?

    in reply to: The graph loses the centering – a strange right margin #22544

    You’re right, change labelAutoFit to false set the graph in the middle. Thank you. However, the data on the x-axis does not fit because there are a lot of them and overlap. What can I do with this? Below is a photo of the problem.


    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22225


    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22180

    It works! Thank you. I created a graph with two y-axes. How can I give them names and add a legend?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by d3bsky.
    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22166

    Ok, here is an example project with db: Google Drive

    In addition, I would like to show data from the soil and humidity column on one graph. However, I can not add many y-axis. Can you help me?

    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22155

    OK thanks!
    Problem solved. I need to have 2 files connected: jquery.canvasjs.min and jquery.min.

    I have one more question:
    My database stores the date in the format: 2018-08-04 13:28:2. I would like to extract only an hour and a minute and display them on the X axis.
    Unfortunately, the “valueFormatString property” does not work. How can I solve this problem?

    in reply to: Creating a chart from data with SQL DB [PHP] #22142

    OK thanks!
    I managed to create a graph so that everything started working, I had to connect the script: jquery.min.js
    However, when I try to connect license files locally, nothing is displayed. The browser detects errors:

    – Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at jquery.canvasjs.min.js: 920
    – Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at window.onload

    What is the cause of such errors?

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)