Thank you for the valuable feedback. As a workaround, you can combine Stacked Bar 100 and Bar Chart to achieve Bullet Chart as shown in this JSFiddle. Similarly, you can use Doughnut Chart to create a Gauge Chart, as shown in this JSFiddle.
You can refer to this article for more information about creating Bullet Chart using our library.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
Exporting chart data as CSV is not available as an in-built feature as of now. However, with few lines of code, you can achieve the same as shown in this JSFiddle. You can even use the export-canvasjs-chart-data-as-csv npm package to export chart data as CSV in Angular app. Please take a look at this Stackblitz project for an example of the same.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
Due to security measures, web browsers impose restrictions on reading local files & cross-origin requests. To work around this, one effective approach is to serve your JSON file from a local web server or utilize a CORS-enabled JSON hosting service like By doing so, you enable your web application to fetch data seamlessly without encountering the cross-origin limitations. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example of the same.
Ananya Deka,
Team CanvasJS
1) What is the difference between rangeChanging and rangeChanged then? They seem to fire just one after another.
rangeChanging is fired just before the range of the chart is about to be changed, i.e., before rendering takes place. rangeChanged is triggered after the chart has been rendered with the updated viewport range. rangeChanging can be useful for modifying chart options based on the new range before the chart updates, while rangeChanged is suitable for tasks that need to react to the finalized change in the range.
2) Is there a way to detect when the Pan ends? My intention is to query the database for new values only when Pan or Zoom ends.
You can check if panning has ended or not with the help of rangeChanged event and mouseup event. Please check the code-snippet below.
rangeChanged: function(e) {
if(e.trigger === 'pan') {
panning = true;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function () {
if(panning) {
// query your database here
panning = false;
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example of the same.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
While panning, the axis range is being changed as you move the mouse along the chart and hence rangeChanged will be fired at every instance. In contrast, while zooming the range is changed only once after the desired range has been selected, and as a result rangeChanged is fired only once. The sequence of fired events while panning, i.e., rangeChanging followed by rangeChanged, is the intended behaviour.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
We don’t have CanvasJS Charts TypeScript definition as of now. However, charts seems to work fine with TypeScript as well. You can ignore the corresponding error by adding //@ts-ignore
above the import statement as shown in the code-snippet below:
import * as CanvasJS from '@canvasjs/charts';
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
You can import CanvasJS from @canvasjs/charts package directly in this case. Please find the code-snippet below.
import * as CanvasJS from '@canvasjs/charts';
Please check out CanvasJS npm package from this link.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
You can use rangeChanging event to update the data with a new set of datapoints based on the zoomed range. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example of the same.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
Range Selector is a part of StockChart, and not Chart. Using StockChart instead of Chart should fulfill your requirement.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS
You can get base64 image data of a canvas by using toDataURL method. As CanvasJS charts are rendered on canvas, you can use toDataURL to get base64 image data of the chart. Please find the code-snippet below:
var base64Image = chart.canvas.toDataURL();
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example.
Ananya Deka
Team CanvasJS