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Tooltip multiline chart

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  • #32992

    Hi there i have a problem when 2 data of 2 different series have same value because tooltip only show 1 of them. I cant use shared option beacuse i have so many series so tooltip becomes kinda useless in that case. I need show only the dataseries of points wich im hovering or point which are close enought.

    I made a jsfiddle:



    In case of line and area charts when you mouse hover on a specific series it gets highlighted. Hence, the toolTip is shown for the highlighted series based on the x-value of the nearest dataPoint to the mouse pointer position, even if, dataPoint of any other dataSeries are near to the cursor position. For example, if the series “Seatle” is highlighted then toolTip of the corresponding series would be shown based on the mouse pointer position to the nearest dataPoint. Please check the below screenshot for a reference –

    tooltip shown for initially highlighted series

    If the mouse pointer is shifted over a different series then the other series would be highlighted and toolTip for the other series would be shown. Please refer to the below screenshot for the same –

    tooltip shown on other series when mouse pointer shifts

    Based on the JSFiddle shared by you I would suggest you to use a shared toolTip.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    I tried to reply 3 times, but i dont know why my reply dont get saved….lets try again..
    As you see here jsfiddle shared tooltip becomes kinda useless, because shows “no needed” data if i want to know some point (i.e. “San Francisco”).
    And with not shared tooltip i cant see both “San francisco” and “Valencia” series because they have some same points..

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Nerviozzo96.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Nerviozzo96.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Nerviozzo96.

    Im gonna show you my exact problem in JSFiddle and why i cant use shared.

    As you see here, i use tooltip shared and i want to know the data on (2.1 axisY) of “San Francisco” or “Valencia”, the tooltip becomes kinda usless because shows a huge tooltip whit a lot of “not desired” data.

    And if i use tooltip not shared:

    I cant see both “San franciso” and “Valencia” because they have same value and I can only see 1 if them (“San franciso” in this case).

    So what I want to know is if there are any option to show (with not shared tooltip) 2 o more different series if there are on close range.



    You can modify the content of toolTip using contentFormatter to display each dataPoints having the same x and y values in a single toolTip. Please check the below code snippet for customizing the content of toolTip –

    toolTip: {
      contentFormatter: function(e){
        var content = "", dataPoint;
        for (var i = 0; i < e.chart.data.length; i++) {
          dataPoint = e.chart.data[i].dataPoints[e.entries[0].index];
          if(dataPoint && dataPoint.x === e.entries[0].dataPoint.x && dataPoint.y === e.entries[0].dataPoint.y){
            content += "<span style='color:" + e.chart.selectedColorSet[i] + "'>" + e.chart.data[i].name + "</span>: " + "<strong>" + dataPoint.y + "</strong>";
            content += "<br/>";
        return content;

    Also, kindly take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example.

    Customizing tooltip using content formatter

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    Oh thanks! I already tried with contentFormatter, but didnt get to that point. Would this code help me to also show those that have a close X value?
    Actually I need to show those which are close range in px not in value, this is possible?



    You can show the dataPoints that are close to each other by selecting the dataPoints that fall within a specific range to the mouse pointer position. You can define the range by setting the following variables –

    var yRange = 100;
    var xRange = 10;

    Then inside the toolTip contentFormatter you can display the dataPoints that fall within the given range as shown below –

    toolTip: {
      contentFormatter: function(e){
        var content = "", dataPoint;
        toolTipXValue = e.entries[0].dataPoint.x;
        toolTipYValue = e.entries[0].dataPoint.y;
        for (var i = 0; i < e.chart.data.length; i++) {
          dataPoint = e.chart.data[i].dataPoints[e.entries[0].index];  
          if(dataPoint && (toolTipYValue - yRange) <= dataPoint.y && dataPoint.y <= (toolTipYValue + yRange) && (toolTipXValue - xRange) <= dataPoint.x && dataPoint.x <= (toolTipXValue + xRange)){
            content += "<span style='color:" + e.chart.selectedColorSet[i] + "'>" + e.chart.data[i].name + "</span>: " + "<strong>" + dataPoint.y + "</strong>";
            content += "<br/>";
        return content;

    Please take a look at this JSFiddle for the complete code.

    Displaying closest dataPoints in same toolTip

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    WOW thanks a lot! Im trying right now!


    Hi there, I thought this example was for range in pixels but actually is for range in values… Is not a bad option but is there any option for range in pixels?



    Yes, you can also check the range in pixels by converting the dataPoints x and y-value to pixel using convertValueToPixel() as shown in the code snippet below –

    toolTip: {
      contentFormatter: function(e){
        var content = "", dataPoint, yWithinRange, xWithinRange;
        var toolTipXValue = e.chart.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(e.entries[0].dataPoint.x);
        var toolTipYValue = e.chart.axisY2[0].convertValueToPixel(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y);    
        for (var i = 0; i < e.chart.data.length; i++){
          dataPoint = e.chart.data[i].dataPoints[e.entries[0].index];      
            yWithinRange = ((toolTipYValue - yRange) <= e.chart.axisY2[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.y) && e.chart.axisY2[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.y) <= (toolTipYValue + yRange));
            xWithinRange = ((toolTipXValue - xRange) <= e.chart.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.x) && e.chart.axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.x) <= (toolTipXValue + xRange));
            if(yWithinRange === true && xWithinRange === true){
              content += "<span style='color:" + e.chart.selectedColorSet[i] + "'>" + e.chart.data[i].name + "</span>: " + "<strong>" + dataPoint.y + "</strong>";
              content += "<br/>";
        return content;

    Also, kindly take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example with sample code.

    Displaying dataPoints that are close to each other

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    Thanks a lot! Im trying this!

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