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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Sync Crosshair Across Multiple Charts With Different Heights
There are several threads in this forum about synchronizing the crosshairs/tooltip across multiple charts. For example, see this Fiddle. However, there are issues if the heights of the charts are different. See this Fiddle.
If the chart heights are the same, the crosshairs appear and disappear at the same time on both charts when moving the mouse cursor from top to bottom (or vice versa) over the charts. But this is not the case with different chart heights. Can you suggest a modification to the second Fiddle to make the crosshairs properly appear/disappear?
We are looking into it and will get back to you at the earliest.
— Shashi Ranjan Team CanvasJS
Syncing of toolTip and crosshair across multiple charts is not available as an inbuilt feature as of now. Kindly refer to this nearest possible solution.
We have just released v3.0 Beta-1 with this feature. Please refer to the release blog for more information. Do download the latest version from download page & let us know your feedback.
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