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Simple chart and XMLHttpRequest query

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  • #34022


    I am struggling to compile code to essentially report data from an esp8266 to local web interface. Can someone please help validate my code or show me what I am doing wrong?

    if that doesn’t work try:
    JS Fiddle code

    The current error is: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘name’ in {
    at H.V.setOptions (canvasjs.min.js:100)
    at H.V (canvasjs.min.js:32)
    at new H (canvasjs.min.js:138)
    at m._initialize (canvasjs.min.js:171)
    at m.render (canvasjs.min.js:202)
    at canvasjs.min.js:131




    The issue might be with the format of the data being passed to the chart. Parsing it in the format accepted by CanvasJS Chart should work fine in your case. Please refer to this documentation page for step-to-step tutorial on fetching data from external source (JSON) & parsing it to the format accepted by CanvasJS before rendering chart.
    Rendering Chart with Data from JSON

    Please refer to this article for more information on adding CanvasJS charts in Arduino. Also take a look at this Github-repository for complete code.

    Considering this as duplicate of Simple chart and XMLHttpRequest query. Hence closing the same.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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