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Tagged: Xcelsius Spreadsheetconverter dashboard
Xcelsius and Spreadsheetconverter transform excel to a dashboard with graphs. Very popular.
CanvasJS has much better graphs
Maybe everything can be done with canvasJS and javascript instead.
It would be very interesting as a jump-start to see more examples, especially to generate graphs with formulas. I am looking for these kind of examples:
Suppose you have 7 sliders giving values a,b,c,d,e,f,g and generate a canvasJS line graph plot from the function
y= a*sin(b*x)^c x-range d-e y range f-g
This or any such example would be of much help to learn the necessary javastript !
You can generate the dataPoints(x and y-values) based on your formula and render the chart using same. Please check out the below code snippet for generating chart dataPoints using formula –
for (var j = 0; j < dataLength; j++) { xVal = j; yVal = Math.pow(xVal,2) + 1; dps.push({ x: xVal, y: yVal }); }
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example.
___________ Indranil Deo Team CanvasJS
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