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How can I plot my values from my local storage using JSON Objects?

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  • #14783

    Hi guys. I am working with our school project. In the offline web application that we are working, we will be using Canvas. I am having confusions getting the JSON Object that is written inside our external JavaScript file because in the API of the CanvasJS they only imported using external JSON file.

    Supposed to be, I have this kind of data in our localStorage.classStanding
    [{“csName”:”Quiz #1 – Create a simple socket Program”,”csSubject”:”Integrative Programming”,”csScore”:”18″,”csPoint”:”20″},{“csName”:”Quiz #2 – Create a simple RMI application”,”csSubject”:”Integrative Programming”,”csScore”:”25″,”csPoint”:”40″}]

    I want to generate my chart like this but I want it to dynamically update this chart while the localStorage is updating.

    function loadChart() {
    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”,{
    text: “Overview of your Class Standing”
    animationEnabled: true,
    title: “Integrative Programming”
    title: “Percent”
    data: [{
    type: “stackedColumn100”,
    name: “Percentage You Passed”,
    showInLegend: “true”,
    dataPoints: [
    { y: 18, label: “Quiz #1 – Create a simple socket Program “},
    { y: 25, label: “Quiz #2 – Create a simple RMI application” }
    , {
    type: “stackedColumn100”,
    name: “Percentage You Failed”,
    showInLegend: “true”,
    dataPoints: [
    { y: 2, label: “Quiz #1 – Create a simple socket Program “},
    { y: 15, label: “Quiz #2 – Create a simple RMI application” }

    This function is written also in our external JavaScript. Then this function will be windows.onload in our HTML having div chartContainer.

    Thank you.



    Please refer this tutorial on creating Live Updating Charts from JSON API & AJAX. The data from the JSON has to be parsed in the format required by CanvasJS.

    Live chart with JSON data

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank you very much. I already resolved my problem.



    var jsonData = {
    “December”: [
    { “x”: “1st”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “2nd”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “3rd”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “4th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “5th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “6th”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “7th”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “8th”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “9th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “10th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “11th”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “12th”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “13th”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “14th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “15th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “16th”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “17th”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “18th”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “19th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “20th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “21st”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “22nd”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “23rd”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “24th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “25th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “26th”, “y”: 10.22 },
    { “x”: “27th”, “y”: 11.14 },
    { “x”: “28th”, “y”: 13.58 },
    { “x”: “29th”, “y”: 15.25 },
    { “x”: “30th”, “y”: 17.25 },
    { “x”: “31st”, “y”: 17.25 }
    var dataPoints = [];
    var chartformonth = new CanvasJS.Chart(“profitformonth”,
    title: {
    text: “Profit For Month”
    axisX: {
    interval: 1,
    intervalType: “day”
    axisY: {
    gridColor: “white”,
    interval: 10,
    minimum: 10,
    maximum: 100
    data: [{
    type: ‘column’,
    dataPoints: dataPoints

    $(“.dropdown”).change(function () {
    chartformonth.options.data[0].dataPoints = [];
    var e = document.getElementById(“selectMonthList”);
    var selected = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
    dps = jsonData[selected];
    for (var i in dps) {
    chartformonth.options.data[0].dataPoints.push({ x: dps[i].x, y: dps[i].y });

    There a problem in the loop data not rendering on chart, bolded that area above area is correct. plz help!



    x-Value can be numeric or a dateTime value. We observe that you are passing x-value as string, passing numeric or dateTime values will work fine.

    chart with x values

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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