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Gantt Chart

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  • #14467

    i see different Posts about Range bar Diagramm, but none of them is really that, what a Gannt Chart do:

    Is a Gantt Chart in the Feature List? Or how can i do this?

    Best regards



    It is not possible to assign dateTime values as the y value in dataPoints, therefore it is not possible to create a Gantt Chart which contains dateTime values on the y-axis. But as a workaround, it is possible to use rangeBar chart and provide timestamp values as y-values and use CanvasJS.formatDate() in labelFormatter to convert the labels which is in timeStamp values into dateTime values. You can use the same logic in contentFormatter property as well to show the dateTime values in toolTip.

    Please take a look at this code snippet below,

      axisY: {
        minimum: (new Date(2016, 0, 28, 12, 0)).getTime(),            
        interval: (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
        labelFormatter: function(e){
          return CanvasJS.formatDate(e.value, "DD - h:mm TT");
        gridThickness: 2
        contentFormatter: function ( e ) {
          return "<strong>" + e.entries[0].dataPoint.label + "</strong></br> Start: " +  CanvasJS.formatDate(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y[0], "DD - h:mm TT") + "</br>End : " +  CanvasJS.formatDate(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y[1], "DD - h:mm TT");  

    Also, kindly take a look at this JSFiddle for the complete code as an example on creating a workaround Gantt Chart using CanvasJS.formatDate method.

    timeline chart using rangebar chart

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS


    thank’s for your quick replay. I see that jsfiddle allready, but it doesn’t fit my needs. Will GANTT available in the future? Are there some plans to do it?
    Best regards



    Gantt chart is in our roadmap, but no timeline has been fixed for it as of now.

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS

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