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Disable touch support

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  • #7634


    once i set interactivityEnabled: false;
    i cannot click on my ‘markers’..

    i want to make markers clickable. how i can do that ?


    I do not scroll on mobile device.
    i using iPhone 4s.


    if i set interactivityEnabled: false;
    i cannot click on my tooltip


    any news on this?
    setting interactivityEnabled: false
    works great for scrolling over the chart (on mobile iOS 8.4) but I can’t click the markers.

    loving this framework, but sadly this is a deal breaker :(



    Can you please let me know why you are disabling interacticityEnabled property? Are you finding any issue while scrolling? If yes, please let us know the browser, browser version, os & device.

    Sunil Urs


    Hello Sunil,

    Yes, I am having issues while scrolling, is I set interactivityEnabled: true, scrolling won’t work above the chart area.

    iOS 8.4 – native browser



    I have the same issue while scrolling.
    IOS 9.2 –WeChat browser


    Any solutions ?

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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