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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Assign JSON object to a variable
Tagged: canvasjs, JSON, php
Im trying to assign a json object to a variable. Im not sure how to accomplish this. This is my JSON array: [{“Date”:”2020-01-24 07:35:46″,”sensorName”:”sensor 1″,”sensorValue”:213},{“Date”:”2020-01-24 07:35:46″,”sensorName”:”sensor 1″,”sensorValue”:433},{“Date”:”2020-02-10 06:03:36″,”sensorName”:”sensor 1″,”sensorValue”:321},{“Date”:”2020-02-10 06:03:36″,”sensorName”:”sensor 1″,”sensorValue”:43},{“Date”:”2020-02-12 03:30:57″,”sensorName”:”sensor 1″,”sensorValue”:4321}]
I wish to assign the value of sensorValue to variable yValue. how do i do this?
Below code snippet is in javascript. Cant seem to upload my codes properly. the brackets for php was replaced with ( instead of <?. ` var sensor1 = (php echo json_encode($json_sensor1, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ); var sensor2 = (php echo json_encode($json_sensor2, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); );
var yValue1 = sensor1.sensorValue; var yValue2 = sensor2.sensorValue; var xValue = sensor1.Date; `
Please take a look at this updated sample project.
Considering this as a duplicate of using json array from php json_encode hence closing the same.
— Shashi Ranjan Team CanvasJS
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