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1. Am trying to create a grouped bar chart (stackedColumn), where i have gap between each dataPoint, but in each dataPoint i have 3 bars without gap, is it possible to provide space between each bar in dataPoint ?
Sorry, it is not possible to add gaps between dataPoints in multiseries column chart as of now.
2. Am giving indexLabel for each point in dataPoints, But its getting overlapped on same indexLabel. is it possible to give indexLabel for each point in dataPoints ?
In the JSFiddle i have shared my code, https://jsfiddle.net/1f0wLysj/
Based on the example shared, the axisYType property has been assigned to values “first” and “third”. Whereas, it can only be set to “primary” or “secondary”. Currently on setting the acceptable values to axisYType, the indexLabel are center aligning between the dataPoints which is a known bug and we would be fixing in future versions.
If you are trying to assign each dataSeries to a specific y-axis you can set axisYIndex property to the index of the y-axis the dataSeries should be attached to.
3. Legends:
In the link i have shared, below are the legends am displaying
blue – meals
red – snacks …
But, in my case:
First dataPoint blue tends to meals_1, red tends to snacks_1
Second dataPoint blue tends to meals_2, red tends to snacks_2
What is the best way to display legends for the above requirement ?
Legends are assigned to individual dataSeries and not to each dataPoints for column charts as of now.
Indranil Deo
Team CanvasJS