Forum Replies Created by syngress

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  • in reply to: Emtpy charts #34685


    Thanks for the help!! Sorry to ask what may seem a silly basic question, but if my arrya is setup by:

    $dataPoints[] = array(“x” => (strtotime($row[0])*1000), “y” => $row[1]*1 );

    Is there an easy way to turn this into having the current X Axis as a Label?



    in reply to: Emtpy charts #34668


    Thanks for the help, I figured out the cause, the other value (not the timestamp) was being stored as a string, and as such needed to be changed to an Int for the graph to work properly!!

    I know need to figure out how to get the x-axis to show as I’d like, at the moment the x-axis is from a timestamp, however the results I get in the database from my system are not exact times, so not always 1 minute intervals, and sometimes there can be long gaps between data being received. This causes an issue in the graph where I cant seem to display the actual timestamp from the DB on the x-axis, this is most likely me needing to figure out the settings required for the x-axis. At the moment the config for x-axis is:

    valueFormatString: “DD-MM-YY HH:mm:ss”,
    intervalType: “hour”,
    interval: 24
    data: [{
    type: “line”,
    xValueType: “dateTime”,

    This results in a graph such as:

    What I’d really like is for each of the data points to have the timestamp on the x-axis. you can see what I mean with the long downward slope in the middle this is where there is no data in the DB for that time period.



    in reply to: Emtpy charts #34638


    Thanks for the reply. I’ve used your sample project and that works fine. I’ve then changed the DB to point to my data, and I get better results than I was before :) However instead of an empty graph I now get a few columns but a lot of the data is also missing, the image below is with the limit set to 1000


    Also noted that adding a limit statement to the mySQL casues the lines to disappear if the returned results is < 100. My data is very simple its a timestamp and a number (There are lots of other columns in the mySQL, but these are the only 2 I’m interested in for the graph. The timestamp will be approx every 60seconds, which I want to limit in the graph to say the last 20 results or so.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by syngress.
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