Forum Replies Created by shv22

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • in reply to: Disable the tooltip #15213

    thanks for the fiddle

    in reply to: How can set dataPointWidth default value? #15142

    Ok, thanks. I have thought of a workaround by using maxDataPointWidth so that it won’t after a max width which will help to solve my case.

    in reply to: Can we define a tooltip click event? #15136

    Thanks for the fiddle. This helps me a lot.

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #14014

    Hi, yes it is inside but we only have the data value not with its data label. Like I am posting a pic


    I want something like this. Could be able to achieve that?

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #14012

    Just one more query,

    Chart Label overlapping

    here I want to place the Label inside the Pie chart and doughnut chart but I am not able to do. Although, I am using the property indexLabelPlacement: “inside”, still it is coming out.

    For Pie chart I am not able to see what it is.

    Note: Yellow color label is of pie and the Black color label is of Doughnut.

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #14011

    Hi thank you for your help. I have figured out what I was doing wrong.

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #14007

    Hi sorry for the late response…I have done the same thing the fiddle it is working there but when I reusing the same in the code as a plugin and creating chart there it seems to fail. Although, if I change colour there from transparent to black or something else it is working fine…so meaning only transparent is looking like white…why I don’t understand

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #13993

    Hi, I have tried setting the same in my pie chart like you suggested like
    This is from my code here I applied backgroundColor property

    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(id,
    backgroundColor: “transparent”,

    but still white space is there. Any suggestion?

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #13989

    Hi, Vishwas thanks for your response. I did exactly the same i.e., increasing height and width but the problem is when I do that the div of inside pie chart overlaps with the inner circle of doughnut which occurs in doughnut having a white space. I changed the background-color to transparent then also I facing this issue…

    I have updated my pic here (See the second one) where I am highlighting the same problem. Waiting for your response. Uploaded my pic here

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #13979

    I have figured out how to make pie chart inside doughnut but pie chart is small how can I make it big. Here also I have posted my query

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by shv22.
    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #13978

    Thanks, I got that after posting here…. I was having pie chart inside a doughnut chart but only doughnut chart is I can see. I have set backgroundColor as transparent but still no use… can you please tell me if something I am missing here?

    in reply to: Pie chart color not changing #13969

    If I am using the same code which I use for line it will produce two doughnut chart instead of one. But why I am not getting

    $scope.loadChartValue = function (data, scopes) {
    scopes.data_id = [];
    scopes.legend_text = “”;
    scopes.inner_chart_data = [];

    for (var i = 0; i <= data.length; i++) {
    var arrayvalue = data[0].data[i]._attr;
    if (existsInArray(scopes.data_id, arrayvalue.label._value) == false) {

    for (var i = 0; i < scopes.data_id.length; i++) {
    scopes.inner_chart_data = [];
    for (var j = 0; j <= data.length; j++) {
    if (data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value == scopes.data_id[i]) {

    scopes.inner_chart_data.push({ label: data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value, y: data[0].data[j]._attr.value._value });
    scopes.legend_text = data[0].data[j]._attr.label._value;
    type: “doughnut”,

    markerType: “circle”,
    markerSize: scopes.markersize,
    color: scopes.chart_color_value[i],
    showInLegend: true,
    name: scopes.legend_text,
    legendText: scopes.legend_text,
    dataPoints: scopes.inner_chart_data

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)