Hi Adithya,
Thanks for the quick response. Is it possible to just show as tooltip without physically adding the interpolated data point? All I need is to show interpolated data in a tooltip.
Any timeline when you will support this feature?
Hi Indranil,
Thanks for the reply. It makes sense. Now I have different issues. Please check https://jsfiddle.net/cancanvas/Loab2h6L/17/ Question1: Why the legend of series 2 and 3 dose NOT show dot/dash line? I need to make it consistent with the chart. Question2: Is there any way I can group legend make stype them separately. e.g. I want to make series 1, 2,3 legend virtically aligned to the left bottom and label 1 and 2 vertically aligned to the right bottom. Question3: All my data has integer as x value, why it automatically calculated to interval as 0.5? I cannot specify interval to a specific integer because it is dynamic based on data comes in. But I need x value always calculated and displayed as integer. How can I implement this?
Thank you very much!
Thank you Indranil. This is all I need!
This forum does not allow me to attach an image. I am not able to provide pictural presentation. Basically, I want the area chart always shade the area below the line. In currently implementation of your area chart, you shade the area above the line if the value is negative. I want to shade the area below the chart even though the value is negative. Is it doable? Thanks a lot!
Hi Indrani, Thanks for the quick response. However, what I need is to shade the area between the line serie and x-axis instead of x=0 line.
Let’s use your example:http://jsfiddle.net/canvasjs/u50cqf09/ My question is the following: 1. Is it possible to place the chrome icon in an arbitary position? for example, (35,20). 2. Instead of chrome icon, can we draw a square and place a number in it? Just like draw on a canvas?
Thank you for the response.
The work-around does not meet my needs. Any ways to draw a customized flag on a defined position of the line chart?
Thank you!
I wonder if version 1.9.6 has vertical marker built in?