Forum Replies Created by akshay30498

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  • in reply to: Xaxis data #21026

    yeah… i had this workaround in my mind… but actually i am fetching data from database so it is such that:-
    there are centers and there are courses…. now, some centers may not have all the courses and i want to plot the enrollments…
    so.. it would’ve been easier if i could give custom string values to “x” attribute directly and then it would group them together according to that :(
    Anyways… i’ll go for the workaround.. thanx

    in reply to: Xaxis data #21001

    i mean try this:
    in the first chart editor create another data series:


    type: “column”,
    dataPoints: [

    { label: “orange”, y: 15 },
    { label: “apple”, y: 10 },// i switched apples and oranges
    { label: “banana”, y: 25 },
    { label: “mango”, y: 30 },
    { label: “grape”, y: 28 }

    this plots apples with oranges and x axis labels are according to the last data series entered i.e. it only respects the order of data entry, not grouping according to labels.
    also i can’t use x for grouping since it doesn’t allow string data type

    in reply to: line chart: new line not visible on pushing dataseries #20990

    the “frustrated” array actually contained string “20”, “25” and “30”
    just thought about it while creating the fiddle
    So i used parseInt() around it and it showed line.
    What a noob mistake XD XD

    Anyways now it is working ^_^ yeye!!!
    thanx for the help tho :)

    Also about new version… why don’t u guys have a cdn for latest version? i don’t like downloading stuff … so i use cdn and latest cdn is for version 1.7.0 can u plz host the latest version on a cdn….

    in reply to: line chart: new line not visible on pushing dataseries #20983

    I have used this:
    valueFormatString: ‘Test #’,
    So as far as x values are concerned they are fine…. because it is showing the chart with Test 1 Test 2 and Test 3 on X-axis
    its only so that assigning a new variable to datapoints doesn’t show the line… like i said tooltips are visible.

    PS: I am using

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by akshay30498.
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