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Zoom not working with many data points?

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  • #20031


    I have a graph that works fine with 89 data points, but fail to work with 255 data points. The problem is that the zoom does not work when having 255 datapoints.

    The code is the same in both case, could you please direct me to the issue?

    Many thanks.


    `unction RenderTurningGraph() {
    var turningData = data;
    chartTurning = new CanvasJS.Chart(“trolley-turning-graph”, {
    title: {
    text: “Turning”
    zoomEnabled: true,
    zoomType: “xy”,
    exportEnabled: true,
    axisY: {
    minimum: -50,
    maximum: 50,
    title: ‘Turning’,
    titleFontSize: 20,
    stripLines: [
    value: $(‘#threshold-data’).data(‘turning-min’),
    color: ‘#222’
    value: $(‘#threshold-data’).data(‘turning-max’),
    color: ‘#222’
    gridThickness: 1
    axisX: {
    title: ‘Time [Days|Hours]’,
    titleFontSize: 20,
    labelFormatter: function (e) {
    toolTip: {
    contentFormatter: function (e) {
    return e.entries[0].dataPoint.Label + “: ” + e.entries[0].dataPoint.y + ‘°’ +
    ‘<p>’ + e.entries[0].dataPoint.SampleTime + ‘</p>’;
    data: [
    type: “line”,
    markerSize: 7,
    dataPoints: turningData




    Can you please create a jsfiddle reproducing the issue with sample data so that we can understand your code better and help you out.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS



    I’ve created the fiddle:

    zoom not working



    The behavior is designed such that zooming is limited upto a certain region, so the user doesn’t end up zooming into a blank-region (region with no dataPoints). To zoom into a certain region, there should be a minimum of 3-4 dataPoints.

    In your case, the zoom doesn’t work as there are less than 3-4 dataPoints over the Axis Y.

    We will reconsider this behavior for future releases.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS


    Has this already been fixed? I tried with the latest version and this bug still exists (after 5 years!). When will a fix be available?



    We are limiting the zooming & panning to have a minimum of 3-4 datapoints across x-axis in case of xy zooming type. This behaviour is designed to help users not zoom into blank regions (region with no dataPoints).
    Adithya Menon,
    Team CanvasJS

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