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Zoom need

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  • #41817

    How do I zoom RSI indicator? I did zoomEnabled:true but it is not zooming indicator. Please check the url https://stockprophet.com/chart/?name=Google&symbol=GOOGL



    You can enable zooming in chart by setting zoomEnabled property to true. Please take a look at ‘Behavior of Zoom / Pan’ section in this documentation page for more information along with example.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    I have already mention that it is already ZoomEnable true. It is zooming chart but not indicator. I want to zoom indicator (RSI, MACD) also.



    Based on the link that you have shared, zoomEnabled property is set at stockchart level instead of chart level. Setting it at chart level (in RSI chart) should work fine in your case. Please find the code-snippet below.

    var rsiDPS = calculateRSI(data);
    stockChart.addTo("charts", {height: 100, zoomEnabled: true, axisY: [{minimum: 0, maximum: 100, stripLines:[{value:30}, {value: 70}]}],data: [{type: "line", name: "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "00", dataPoints: rsiDPS}], legend: {horizontalAlign: "left"}});

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    We have added zoomEnabled: true. But it is zooming horizontally. We want vertical Zoom. Please check.



    You can zoom either horizontally, vertically or both by setting zoomType property. You can try setting zoomType: "y" to zoom vertically. Please refer to our documentation for more customization options available.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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