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Home › Forums › Chart Support › want to display date with time when we hover over chart
Tagged: mortgage broking in Glen Waverly
Here is my code, everything works flawlessely.
in x axis i am showing 100 items and so points are 1,2 ,3 … 100 i dont want to change x-axis to date and time but when customers hovers over chart that time i want to show the time so that they know when it happened exactly suppose customer hovers over x axis 5 then it shows 5:35.527 but i want to show 1Nov 2021:5:35PM i have time stamp so i should be able to do that on hover it should show here is jsfiddle
It is possible to add some extra content (in your case timestamp) to the toolTip using contentFormatter property as shown in the code-snippet below,
contentFormatter: function (e) { var content = " "; for (var i = 0; i < e.entries.length; i++) { content += CanvasJS.formatDate(e.entries[i].dataPoint.extraContent, "DD MMM YYYY: hh:mm TT") + " : " + "<strong>" + e.entries[i].dataPoint.y + "</strong>" content += "<br/>"; } return content; }
You will also need to pass the necessary timestamps as a custom property to the dataPoints array as shown in the code-snippet below,
dataPoints: [ { y: 35.427, extraContent: new Date(2021, 10, 01, 13, 35)}, { y: 35.447, extraContent: new Date(2021, 10, 01, 14, 35)}, { y: 35.467, extraContent: new Date(2021, 10, 01, 15, 35)}, { y: 35.487, extraContent: new Date(2021, 10, 01, 16, 35)}, ... ]
Kindly take a look at this updated JSFiddle for an example on rendering a chart with additional content on the toolTip.
— Adithya Menon Team CanvasJS
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