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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Using CanvasJS with avada
Tagged: wordpress avada
I am trying to get CanvasJS working in avada. I couldn’t get it working with a local js file (it gets overwritten somehow), so I had to use the online script:
<script src=""></script>
The graph gets created properly, however the x-axis values arent responsive anymore and more importantly when I use the “Pan” button to scroll the graph simply ends ( while the calculations continue. When I use the local downloaded version of the script this does work, but I cant find a way to include a local script into the avada theme properly (I tried plugins and wp_enqueue_script without good results)
Is there a way I can implement the canvas.min.js properly within the avada theme?
Best regards,
B. Jansen
I now get the error: CanvasJS not defined when debugging. I already included jquery in the wp_enqueue_script but it seems that doesnt do anything.
B. Jansen,
‘error: CanvasJS not defined’ is thrown when canvasjs.min.js is not loaded but chart render() is called.
Rendering chart with local js-file or from website should work fine. Kindly create jsfiddle with your issue, so that we can look into it and help you out.
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