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Home › Forums › Chart Support › use time on x axis
hello sir I want to use the time format on the x-axis like 01:15 so how can I use that. now I am not getting anything on the x-axis. please help me. dataset is like $dataPoints = array( array(“x” => 10, “y” => 01:15), array(“x” => 20, “y” => 01:30), array(“x” => 30, “y” => 01:45) );
Datapoints supports both numeric and date-time for x-values. You can either pass date-time values as date object or timestamp. If you are passing x-values as timestamp, you will have to set xValueType to ‘dateTime’ – xValueType: "dateTime". Please take a look at this documentation page for tutorial on using date-time values in chart along with examples that you can try out or download from the editor.
xValueType: "dateTime"
— Vishwas R
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