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Sync Two chart

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  • #25169

    is possible to sync two chart?
    in this jsFiddle(http://jsfiddle.net/wq90L2du/6/) there are my two chart.
    Use this JSON for populate the chart https://file.io/v6ewcb
    The first chart is the track of bike’s GPS and the second chart is all data of the bike(accelleration, brake, etc).
    In all single point of the second chart there are the relative latitude and longitude.
    I must sync the second chart with the first. When the user focus in the second chart i will trigger the relative position in the first chart.

    known the AxisX and AxisY of the first graph is it possible to display the point?

    I am aware that the GPS chart is not a mathematic graph.



    The link to the JSON file that you have shared seems to be not working. Please take a look at this documentation page for step-to-step tutorial on Syncing Zoom / Pan across charts along with the source code.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS


    Try with this link https://ufile.io/06rn7p7q .
    I not need to syncing zoom or pan because the 2 chart is not sync and have the same scale. (the value in position K in second chart may not be in position 2 in first chart).
    I need to syncing tootTips across multiple charts. Is impossible(too difficult) to use the convertValueToPixel in mobile view.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by l.dario.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by l.dario.

    @Indranil Deo
    I have simplified the issue on this fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/canvasjs/QwZuf/ .
    I use the Z value in chart 2 for save the latitude and longitude where i registered the value. I need sync the chart 2 with the chart 1. For example if an user focus in 1300, 77 must be see the value the value with position latitude: 40 and longitude: 60 in chart 1.

    The first graph is like the GPS track of the bike and second chart is a acceleration report


    I sent you the wrong link, this is the correct link https://jsfiddle.net/tfLm26v5/



    The above requirement is not possible as of now. However, here is the nearest possible solution.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS


    Thx for the solution.
    This solution i had already try it but this is not precise above all in mobile/tablet view because the layout change and/or scroll the page.
    Unfortunately there are too much variables to linked two chart (with 15k point) in all situations with using the event mousemove and method convertValueToPixel.

    If you find a solution write me!
    Thx for all




    We have just released v3.0 Beta-1 with this feature. Please refer to the release blog for more information. Do download the latest version from download page & let us know your feedback.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS

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