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reverse stepLine

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  • #20324


    Im having a realtime stepline chart in angular,
    when I play data forward, chart looks fine,
    when I play data backward, line between points (stepline) is not the same as forward play

    1. {x:4,y:5} , {x:5,y:7} //(line go right and then go up)
    2. {x:5,y:7} , {x:4,y:5} //(line go left and then go down)

    is there a way to draw step line same in both examples? ( in example 2 , line should go down and then go left).

    Thank you,



    Chart is rendered based on the sequence of datapoints given. If {x:5,y:7} is given first then {x:4,y:5}, it renders x:5 and then x:4. To avoid such issues, you can sort dataPoints before rendering the chart. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS



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