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React Synchronized Charts and license

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  • #32086

    Hi, 1 have 2 question,

    1) Any example for doing Synchronized Line Charts in React?

    2)I saw the license how few type, how to define 1 or multiple developer?

    Thanks You


    1 more question,

    Whenever Line Charts dataSeries are hidden, how to hide its information from toolTip in React?

    Thanks You



    Any example for doing Synchronized Line Charts in React?

    You can synchronize tooltip between multiple charts by using updated & hidden events, showAtX & hide methods. Please take a look at this Stackblitz demo for an example on the same.

    Whenever Line Charts dataSeries are hidden, how to hide its information from toolTip in React?

    In you are using toolTipContent in your case, you can set it to null on hiding dataSeries to hide particular dataSeries information from toolTip as shown in this JSFiddle. In case of contentFormatter, checking if the dataSeries is visible works for you. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on the same.

    I saw the license how few type, how to define 1 or multiple developer?

    One of our representatives from sales team will get in touch with you soon. For more license related queries please contact sales[at]canvasjs[dot]com

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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