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Problem with tooltip and “shared=true” with stackedArea

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  • #60216


    Hello Tech Team !

    I got a problem, please load this Fiddle to see it:

    I’m using a stackedArea graph with “shared: true” into tooltip.
    I have some zone without data (ex: 40).
    I have one scatter point with “Bug” tooltip.

    The problem: When we are moving the mouse over the “40” line, the “bug” tooltip is displayed.
    What I would like: No tooltip displayed, because there is no dataserie value here.


    Note: With “shared: false”, there is no problem.



    Thank you for reporting the use case, we will look into it further. Meanwhile, you can work around this by adding a datapoint in the scatter chart with the concerned x value, and set y value as null, so that tooltip is not shown in that region.

    Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for the working example of the same.

    area chart with null values

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    Hello Ananya !
    Thanks for the work around, but I will wait for one official fix because I have a lot of scatters ;)

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