Home Forums Chart Support Problem with tooltip and “shared=true” with stackedArea

Problem with tooltip and “shared=true” with stackedArea

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  • #60216


    Hello Tech Team !

    I got a problem, please load this Fiddle to see it:

    I’m using a stackedArea graph with “shared: true” into tooltip.
    I have some zone without data (ex: 40).
    I have one scatter point with “Bug” tooltip.

    The problem: When we are moving the mouse over the “40” line, the “bug” tooltip is displayed.
    What I would like: No tooltip displayed, because there is no dataserie value here.


    Note: With “shared: false”, there is no problem.



    Thank you for reporting the use case, we will look into it further. Meanwhile, you can work around this by adding a datapoint in the scatter chart with the concerned x value, and set y value as null, so that tooltip is not shown in that region.

    Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for the working example of the same.

    area chart with null values

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    Hello Ananya !
    Thanks for the work around, but I will wait for one official fix because I have a lot of scatters ;)




    We have released chart v3.10.19 with the above fix. Please refer to the release blog for more information. Do download the latest commercial version from My Account Page and let us know your feedback.

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    Hello Ananya,
    Thanks for the quick fix :)

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