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Tagged: line chart
Hi. In line graph, x-Axis data is Time and Y-Axis data is Student Names. I want to draw a line chart based on which student is present on that time. For Ex: 1. 11.10AM -> Michael 2. 11.15AM -> John 3. 11.30AM -> Julie
Please help me how to draw a line chart with this data.
Thanks, Surendiran
Are you looking for something like this.
___ Suyash Singh Team CanvasJS
Thank you Suyash. But i need name on y-Axis and time on x-Axis And i also want to hide the x-Axis labels.
___ Sanjoy Debnath Team CanvasJS
Thank you so much Sanjoy!!!. You created what actually i expected. Thanks again.
How can I convert String like “2014,10,21,18,48,05” to datapoints?
Thank you!
x value can be a dateTime value, but it needs to be in a valid Date-Time format. Please have a look on documentation page on working with data and Date & Time Axis.
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