Home Forums StockChart Support onChange handler for stock chart slider ?

onChange handler for stock chart slider ?

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  • #34635

    Hello, My use case is to have a slider on a stacked column chart with in a certain date range. Once user selects a range, I would need to fetch data for that range and show it in a preview below in a different component – say a table.

    So now, can I use a slider on a stacked column chart directly instead of using a navigator? If not, I am planning on using a navigator and hide the main chart and just show the navigator. Does that work.

    Also, I find that we have a get and set methods, but can I react to use changes on slider? like handleChange kind of an event handler?

    I appreciate any help. Thanks.


    Looks like rangeChanged is what I am looking for. Can anyone help me with my other questions?



    You can set a rangeChanged event handler that would filter out the data present within the selected region of the slider, then use the same data to populate the table as shown below –

      var dpsInViewPort = [];
      for(var i = 0; i < stockChart.charts[0].data[0].dataPoints.length; i++) {
        if(stockChart.charts[0].data[0].dataPoints[i].x.getTime() >= stockChart.navigator.slider.minimum && stockChart.charts[0].data[0].dataPoints[i].x.getTime() < stockChart.navigator.slider.maximum) {
          dpsInViewPort.push({x: stockChart.charts[0].data[0].dataPoints[i].x.toDateString(), y: stockChart.charts[0].data[0].dataPoints[i].y}); 
      if(e.source === "navigator" || e.source === "inputFields" || e.source === "buttons")
          tableData: dpsInViewPort
            tableData: dpsInViewPort,
            isPopulated: true
    renderTableHeader() {
      let tableData = this.state.tableData[0]; 
      let header = [];
      for(var key in tableData) {
        if(tableData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      return header.map((key, index) => {
        return <th key={index}>{key.toUpperCase()}</th>
    renderTable() {
      return this.state.tableData.map((tableData, index) => {
        const { x, y } = tableData; 
        return (
          <tr key={index}><td>{x}</td><td>{y}</td></tr>
    return (
             this.state.isLoaded && 
             <CanvasJSStockChart containerProps={containerProps} options = {options} onRef={ref => stockChart = ref}
         <table id="chartData">

    Please take a look at this StackBlitz example to display stockChart data in a table.

    Also, you can easily hide the chart in StockChart and just use the navigator with the slider functionality by customizing the height property of chart as shown in the code snippet below –

    const options = {
      animationEnabled: true,
      exportEnabled: true,
      theme: "light2",
      charts: [{
        height: 1,  //setting height property of the chart
        data: [{
          type: "candlestick",
          dataPoints: stockData
      navigator: {
        height: 150,
        slider: {
          minimum: new Date("2018-05-01"),
          maximum: new Date("2018-07-01") 

    Kindly take a look at this StackBlitz for an example with complete code.

    Display stockChart data in a table

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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