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Home › Forums › Report Bugs › No need to extra X-Axis points in the chart if there is no value over that Axis
Tagged: Remove X-Axis point
I used multiple chart within one, but when chart is display there are multiple series of axis where there is no actual data, although its shows the point on x-axis, so kindly suggest me how to overcome from this issue or how can i remove x-axis point when there is no value over that point.
Please create a jsfiddle reproducing the issue, so that we can understand your requirement better.
__________ Indranil Deo, Team CanvasJS
here is the my JS fiddle, you just go through it.
what i actually want is,
you can see there is no value over ’05:00 AM’, ’06:00 AM’ & ’07:00 AM’ in the chart, although its X-Axis value show as well as its set white space in chart too.
i just want those X-Axis values which having value. i mean to say that i don’t want ’05:00 AM’, ’06:00 AM’ & ’07:00 AM’ label on X-Axis as they don’t have any value, even i don’t want white space of those timing in the chart too.
Thanks for reply. :)
Using labels to display the dateTime will work fine in your case. Please take a look a look at this jsfiddle.
_________ Indranil Deo, Team CanvasJS
Perfect !…. It’s work for me, thank you for support CanvasJS team. especially @indranil
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