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Need a Gauge Chart

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  • #21051


    Hi developers,

    The charts are good, but for me now it only miss a gauge type. Is there any plans about it?

    Please let me know if there is any problems. Thanks!



    Guage chart is in our roadmap, but no definite timeline yet.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS


    5 years ago … still none



    We don’t have a gauge chart as of now but a semi-doughnut chart can be used to achieve the same. Please follow the steps below for creating a gauge chart using a doughnut chart.

    First, we need to create an object that will store all the necessary data that is needed to be shown on the gauge chart. The code snippet below shows an example of that object:

    var gauge = {
      title:{text: "Gauge Chart"},
      data: { y: 7 }, //gauge value 
      maximum: 10

    In the second step, we will initialize the chart object and populate its dataPoints considering the fact that only half of the doughnut chart is displayed. Please refer to the code snippet below for achieving the same:

    var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer");
    //Function for gauge
    function createGauge(chart){
      //Caluculation of remaining parameters to render gauge with the help of doughnut
      gauge.unoccupied = {
        y: gauge.maximum - gauge.data.y, 
        color: "#DEDEDE", 
        toolTipContent: null, 
        highlightEnabled: false,
        click : function (){ gauge.unoccupied.exploded = true; }
      gauge.data.click = function (){ gauge.data.exploded = true; };
        gauge.data.color = "#69C434";
      gauge.valueText = {text: gauge.data.y.toString(), verticalAlign :"center"};
      var data = {
        type: "doughnut",
        dataPoints: [
            y: gauge.maximum,
            color: "transparent",
            toolTipContent: null
        chart.options.data = [];
        chart.options.title = gauge.title;
      //For showing value
        chart.options.subtitles = [];

    Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example with sample code.

    Gauge Chart

    Thangaraj Raman
    Team CanvasJS

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