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Multiple chart with loop

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  • #27709

    Let’s say I have 3 charts ( Pie, Bar, Line )
    and I have data for 10 years.
    I need to display data for every year in these charts in the loop.
    First, it will display data in the first year, then next year and so on.
    Sample : https://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xMReaL7tEy



    Please take a look at this gallery page for an example on creating dynamic charts in CanvasJS. Also, take a look at this documentation page for step-to-step tutorial on rendering multiple charts in a single page.

    Multiple Charts in a Page

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS


    You have not resolved my issue.
    I have sent you an example of what I need.
    Please do it as I sent you.




    To display the chart using set of year data on loop, you need to first create an array object as shown in below code snippet.

    var data = [{
        "doughnut": [
          { label: "域名", y: 13 },
          { label: "主机", y: 13 },
          { label: "网站", y: 10 },
          { label: "安全设备", y: 6 },
          { label: "网络设备", y: 60 },
        "splineArea": [
            { label: "00:00", y: 2000},
            { label: "03:00", y: 122},
            { label: "06:00", y: 3121},
            { label: "09:00", y: 54},
            { label: "12:00", y: 60},
            { label: "15:00", y: 2630},
            { label: "18:00", y: 1150},
            { label: "21:00", y: 2442},
            { label: "00:00", y: 1292}
            { label: "00:00", y: 1130},
            { label: "03:00", y: 812},
            { label: "06:00", y: 1134},
            { label: "09:00", y: 2361},
            { label: "12:00", y: 413},
            { label: "15:00", y: 1330},
            { label: "18:00", y: 1301},
            { label: "21:00", y: 594},
            { label: "00:00", y: 1230}
            { label: "00:00", y: 1220},
            { label: "03:00", y: 1132},
            { label: "06:00", y: 1421},
            { label: "09:00", y: 2114},
            { label: "12:00", y: 954},
            { label: "15:00", y: 620},
            { label: "18:00", y: 132},
            { label: "21:00", y: 190},
            { label: "00:00", y: 540}

    You can update the chart data every 2 seconds by looping through above created array object and updating chart options. Please take a look at below code snippet for the same.

    var i = 0;
    function updateChart() {
        chart.options.data[0].dataPoints = jsonData[i].splineArea[0];
        chart.options.data[1].dataPoints = jsonData[i].splineArea[1];
        chart.options.data[2].dataPoints = jsonData[i].splineArea[2];
        chart1.options.data[0].dataPoints = jsonData[i].doughnut;
        i = (i+1) % jsonData.length;
        setTimeout(updateChart, 2000);

    Also, check out this JSFiddle for complete working code.

    Updating Multiple Charts Data using Array Data on Loop

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS

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