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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Minimum/Maximum values when using Date for X axis
Tagged: hours, time, x-axis
I’m using the following definition for X axis. The chart is to display a scatter of events for a single day. I want to have regular x labels every hour (or 2 hours for fit)
axisX: { title: "Time", labelAngle: 90, labelAutoFit: false, interval: 1, intervalType: "hour", valueFormatString: "HH:mm", minimum: 0, maximum: 24 }
What would I need to change? I’m pretty sure minimum and maximum aren’t number of hours, despite my interval type being hour.
Setting minimum and maximum of axisX with an appropriate javascript date object or timestamp as per your data range and dataPoints should work fine in your case.
In case you are still facing the issue, can you kindly create JSFiddle along with sample data and share it so that we can look into the code, understand it better and help you out?
—- Manoj Mohan Team CanvasJS
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