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Marker on top of line chart with higher piority

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  • #43626


    Can we set the marker to higher priority like z-index. we need the market on top and easy to show tool-tips when it overlap with the line graph

    Please kindly refer to the first marker from this jsfiddle code



    Can we set the marker to higher priority like z-index. we need the market on top and easy to show tooltips when it overlap with the line graph

    Please kindly refer to the first marker from this jsfiddle code



    You can check if tooltip is shown for overlapped datapoint using updated event of toolTip and show the tooltip for scatter series when it overlaps with the help of showAtX method. Please take a look at the code snippet below for the same.

    toolTip: {
      updated: function(e) {
        var dp = false;
        // skip the check if tooltip is shown for scatter series
        if(e.entries.length == 1 && e.entries[0].dataSeriesIndex == 0 ) {
          dp = overlappedScatterSeriesDatapoint(e.entries[0].dataPoint, e.entries[0].dataPointIndex);
          if(dp) {
            stockChart.charts[0].toolTip.showAtX(dp.x, 1);
    function overlappedScatterSeriesDatapoint(dataPoint, index) {
      var radius = stockChart.charts[0].data[1].get("markerSize") / 2;
      var currentX = stockChart.charts[0].axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.x);
      var currentY = stockChart.charts[0].axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.y);
      for (var i=0; i<stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints.length; i++) {
        var dpX = stockChart.charts[0].axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i].x)
        var dpY = stockChart.charts[0].axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i].y)
        var distance = Math.sqrt((currentX - dpX) * (currentX - dpX) + (currentY - dpY) * (currentY - dpY));
        // Check if tooltip is shown for datapoints overlapped with scatter data series
        if(distance <= radius) {
          return stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i]
      return false;

    Also, check out this JSFiddle for complete working code.

    Show Tooltip for Overlapped Line & Scatter Data Series

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS

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