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Line plot hangs with two single-point series

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  • #42930

    If I try to plot two line plots, which each have only a single point, and whose X values are very close together, but not identical, render() hangs my browser. If I move the X values somewhat further apart, I can see that the issue is that it’s rendering an absurd number of X-axis labels — there are so many that they overlap into a black smear with values that are a bit further apart. Here’s an example of a data set that hangs my browser:

    {“name”: “A”, “type”:”line”, “dataPoints”:[{“x”:0.1003, “y”:1}]},
    {“name”: “B”, “type”:”line”, “dataPoints”:[{“x”:0.1005, “y”:2}]}

    And just removing a 0 from those X values is enough to make it return, but render a mess in the X axis labels:

    {“name”: “A”, “type”:”line”, “dataPoints”:[{“x”:0.103, “y”:1}]},
    {“name”: “B”, “type”:”line”, “dataPoints”:[{“x”:0.105, “y”:2}]}

    I tested both of these data sets in the “Try Editing The Code” example on the canvasjs.com front page, and it breaks there for me.



    Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will be improving this behaviour in the future versions. Meanwhile, setting the minimum and maximum properties of the X axis seems to be working fine. Please take a look at this code snippet,

    axisX : {
        minimum: 0.100,
        maximum: 0.1010

    Kindly refer to this JSFiddle for an example on the same.

    Adithya Menon
    Team CanvasJS



    That work-around is working well for me, thank you for your help!

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