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JSON and Multi-Series Chart

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  • #13653

    Good afternoon. Please help with JSON and Multi-Series Chart.

    There JSON:

    [{"label":"MS01","t":"2016-12-16 10:10:00","y":38},{"label":"MS01","t":"2016-12-16 10:12:00","y":28},
    {"label":"MS01","t":"2016-12-16 10:15:00","y":25},{"label":"MS02","t":"2016-12-16 10:11:00","y":22},
    {"label":"MS02","t":"2016-12-16 10:13:00","y":22},{"label":"MS02","t":"2016-12-16 10:15:00","y":28},
    {"label":"MS03","t":"2016-12-16 10:11:00","y":22},{"label":"MS03","t":"2016-12-16 10:13:00","y":11},
    {"label":"MS04","t":"2016-12-16 10:13:00","y":11},{"label":"MS04","t":"2016-12-16 10:14:00","y":12}]

    How to Build a Multi-Series Chart, using the time data? Where is the line – a label value from JSON.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dimas19801.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dimas19801.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dimas19801.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dimas19801.


    Please take a look at this jsFiddle.


    Cool! Thanks for the help! I really like your graphics!


    I have this JSON


    I need each member to be a different line. I have 6 different parameters and 6 different models to pull from and all have a different number of members and go out a different amount of hours so I’m trying to keep it dynamic as much as possible.



    Please take a look at this jsFiddle.


    This is awesome.

    The table is actually flipped and x is pulling the members not the hours. I updated the JSON to pull correctly I think…


    I think I figured it out.

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