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Tagged: Bar
I am looking for a Bar100, i.e works like Bar but the the y-axis goes from 1-100. So you can hover over a bar an it shows its actual value on the Bar, whist having the y-axis always show the percentage. So this means with one chart the viewer can see the data reals values an expressed as a percentage.
To put it another way its like StackedBar100 but I don’t have multiple sets of data and I dont want the bars to go completely from 0 -100.
I hope that is clear.
You can use labelFormatter in order to modify labels of axisY. Please, take a look at this jsFiddle.
—- Bivek Singh
Thankyou that is what i required.
Actually I was trying to implement it more like done on this page but having an issue since label-formatter is not in double quotes. Is it valid json for the value of label-fomatter to not be double quotes, or is this output not json.
No, defining function as the value for any key is not valid JSON. For further details, you can refer these links: [1]. [2].
Thanks, I sort of worked this out but I am finding it a bit difficult to differentiate between json and javascript data. I assume in the jsfiddle the data: [] part is json and the rest javascript ? In the examples on are you doing it incorrectly then, or is that all pure javascript rather than json ?
JavaScript object is used as an option for chart. There is a difference between JSON and javaScript object literal. To know about the differences, you can check out these stackoverflow threads: [1]. [2]. [3].
okay, thanks I get the difference but Im not clear do you use JSON inside the data part or is it all just Javascript ?
It is just JavaScript object.
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