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Irrelevant Data on X-Axis

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  • #22047

    I want to discuss the extra or irrelevant data that i am facing on x-axis.
    I have created a fiddle for this issue where i can see the extra years from 2006-2009. When there is no data on these years then these years should not come in the view. I have tried to remove the interval on axisX but still these years come. I have taken your example for this issue. Please have a look into it.





    You can use Axis / Scale Breaks to shrink and remove the unnecessary regions.

    Please take a look at updated JSFiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Why is there a break between 2005-2010? Can we remove that to show it as a plain record?



    Scale Breaks are used to shrink the axis-range in order to remove unnecessary regions.

    You can minimize the space occupied by the break using spacing and remove the scale-break line by setting lineThickness to 0. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Great (Y)
    Problem solved.

    Thanks @Vishwas R.

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