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IOS Chart Not Rendering

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  • #27406

    I have created a dynamic chart which i fetch datas with ajax, and with datepicker i change the values of starting day and end day, it works fine in PC and Android Mobile but in IOS Mobile it doesn’t, so it’s not rendering the datas in the charts?

    Anyone help me!



    Earlier WebKit allowed 448MB of canvas buffer memory whereas now they have dropped it to 224MB. Because of this, there was some memory issue with CanvasJS Charts in the latest iOS. However, we had optimized memory consumption in CanvasJS v2.3 – please check out this release blog for more info.

    For more optimization on dynamic charts, update chart options and re-render and don’t instantiate/create new chart on every update.

    Also, we will further optimize this behavior in future releases.

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS

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