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Interval not work for under 1

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  • #42658

    I use canvas chart and not set interval to chart do it automatically . But for number under 1 it doesnot work correctly.

    axisY: {
    titleFontFamily: “arial”,
    titleFontSize: 12,
    includeZero: true,
    labelAutoFit: true,
    valueFormatString: “#,###”,



    Can you kindly create JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can reproduce the issue at our end, understand the scenario better and help you out?

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS


    How can I send link? when I put address of link I can’t sumbit my reply.



    As you see Yaxix does not have correct number. two first line do not have number and I have two “1” in Yaxix.

    Thanks for your help and answer.



    Setting valueFormatString: "#,##0.0" should show values in this case. Please refer to valueFormatString documentation page to know more about the format options available.

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS


    thanks lot it works!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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