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https connection is dead/timing out

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  • #7119

    My company is loading your js over https:// (mandatory for our app), and your https:// connection is dead or so slow it is timing out.

    We are trying to load https://cdn.canvasjs.com/canvasjs.min.js

    Please fix this ASAP, it is causing slowness in loading parts of our application.


    Now I am seeing a “scary” page in Chrome that the link above is not safe.



    Currently our website does not support https – but we are considering it though. At the same time we strongly suggest not to link script directly from our site. This is because script on our sever is only meant for the website and it is updated frequently with newer features – sometimes with beta and test builds. These changes can sometimes cause compatibility issue at your end.

    Instead we suggest you to download the script and host it on your server.

    Sunil Urs


    Hi guys, hi Sunil,

    (I’ll continue this thread, because it’s strongly related…)

    I’d also need a HTTPS to CanvasJS on a CDN. Otherwise, when I post a code with your chart to CodePen, I get an error. That’s because CodePen takes a https API link, and your link redirects from HTTPS to HTTP (it’s seen in fact as HTTP).

    I’ll try to upload your library on a CDN and financially support it by myself, but please consider guys that I also looked at a dozen other JS chart libraries and they ALL have both their http/https versions on a public CDN already.


    PS: FYI, CodePen went HTTP just one week ago.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Cristi S.. Reason: addition

    One more thing: your library is already hosted on CDNJS, but it’s an old version (1.7). I used it for a while…

    It would be great to have someone refresh it with the latest major release. Even if this is not the latest minor version.




    We are currently working on supporting HTTPS and it will be available within a couple of weeks.
    Thanks for your suggestion regarding hosting our library through CDNJS. We’ll consider it. Also, the content from our website gets served via CDN itself, so you can link it directly from our website.

    Bivek Singh


    That’s great news, Bivek, thank you.

    Just to clarify:

    1. Paste https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/canvasjs/1.7.0/canvasjs.js in a new tab, in Chrome. Then look at the address bar, you’ll see “Secure”, the lock icon and “Secure connection”in the related popup. That’s proper SSL.

    2. Do this again with https://cdn.canvasjs.com/canvasjs.min.js. The address bar shows no “Secure”. Expand the info popup and you’ll see “Your connection to this site is not secure”. That’s because on your site SSL is implemented as a redirect. HTTPS is immediately redirected to HTTP, which is not the proper way to do it (there should be a hard, server-side, redirect, with no browser URL change). Browsers and other apps will see no SSL in fact there.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Cristi S..

    It seems it’s been fixed now! The address bar shows it “Secure” now. And it also works in CodePen :)



    Yes, our website is migrated to HTTPS now. Thank you for your support.

    Bivek Singh,
    Team CanvasJS

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