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Home › Forums › Chart Support › How to set the label and bar color based on the array value
i need the output same like below. now i have set hard coded value for each of the bar, but how can i set it dynaically.. anybody can give me idea for that.. Thanks in Advance..
<script type=”text/javascript”>
window.onload = function () {
var dataPoints = [];
var label1 = [“High”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Low”,”Medium”];
var color = [“red”, “green”, “blue”, “red”, “green”, “blue”, “red”, “green”, “blue”];
var label = [“Jan”, ” “, ” “, “Feb”, ” “, ” “,”March”,” “,” “,” “];
var jsonData =
[{ “y”:90},
for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
//x: jsonData[i].x,
y: jsonData[i].y, label:label[i], color:color[i], indexLabel: label1[i],
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”, {
animationEnabled: true,
theme: “light2″, //”light1”, “light2”, “dark1”, “dark2”
text: “Month wise Risk Analysis”
axisY: {
title: “Total Count”,
gridThickness: 0,
stripLines: [
value: 0,
showOnTop: true,
color: “gray”,
thickness: 2
title: “Months”,
//valueFormatString:” “,//space
legend: {
itemclick : toggleDataSeries
toolTip: {
shared: true,
content: toolTipFormatter
data: [{
type: “stackedColumn”,
//indexLabel: “High”,
//indexLabel: “{y}”,
label: “label”,
indexLabelPlacement: “outside”,
indexLabelOrientation: “horizontal”,
//showInLegend: true,
//color: “gold”,
//name: “Male”,
//indexLabel: “{x}, {y}”,
//indexLabelPlacement: “outside”,
// indexLabelOrientation: “horizontal”,
dataPoints: dataPoints
//dataPoints: [
//{ y: 80, label: “Jan”, color: “red”,indexLabel: “High”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 40, label: “Jan”, color: “green”, indexLabel: “low”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 50, label: “Jan”, color: “blue”,indexLabel: “Medium”,indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 90, label: “Feb”, color: “red”, indexLabel: “High”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 30, label: “Feb”, color: “green”, indexLabel: “low”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 60, label: “Feb”, color: “blue”, indexLabel: “Medium”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 70, label: “March”, color: “red”, indexLabel: “High”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 25, label: “March”, color: “green”, indexLabel: “low”, indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
//{ y: 50, label: “March”, color: “blue”, indexLabel: “Medium” , indexLabelFontColor: “white”},
function toolTipFormatter(e) {
var str = “”;
var total = 0 ;
var str3;
var str2 ;
for (var i = 0; i < e.entries.length; i++){
var str1 = “<span style= \”color:”+e.entries[i].dataSeries.color + “\”>” + e.entries[i] + “</span>: “+ e.entries[i].dataPoint.y + “ <br/>” ;
total = e.entries[i].dataPoint.y + total;
str = str.concat(str1);
str2 = “” + e.entries[0].dataPoint.label + “ <br/>”;
//str3 = “<span style = \”color:Tomato\”>Total: </span>” + total + “<br/>”;
return (str2.concat(str));
function toggleDataSeries(e) {
if (typeof (e.dataSeries.visible) === “undefined” || e.dataSeries.visible) {
e.dataSeries.visible = false;
else {
e.dataSeries.visible = true;
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
Thank You Viswas R.. can you help me for one thing, suppose i removed any one data from the json data, then next of bar should be taken place..
in my example, i have three bar for each of he month, suppose some one remove “High” data then next bar should become “high”..
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