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Home › Forums › Chart Support › How to Add Custom Markers?
Tagged: Custom Markers
i want some custom markers to represent my data! is it possible? is there any paid services or plugin with custom markers?
As of now, markers can have only five possible values – “circle”, “square”, “triangle”, “cross” & “none”. However, you can position images in place of markers to display your custom markers. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.
However, it is much easier to achieve it by editing just a few lines of the source code. You will have to first purchase a commercial license to get access to the source code. Please contact us once you have completed the purchase and we will be happy to help you with this easy method.
____________ Indranil Deo, Team CanvasJS
Hi, I have a paid commercial license for CanvasJS. Could you please tell me where in the source code to look to add a custom marker?
Adam Pallozzi,
Thanks for being a valuable customer of CanvasJS.
Please follow the below steps to add custom marker to CanvasJS Chart. 1. Add marker drawing logic in the end of drawMarker method of canvasjs.js (Source-Code) downloaded from My Account page.
else if(markerType === "customMarkerType") { //marker drawing logic }
2. Define the newly added markerType in dataseries
data: [{ . . markerType: "customMarkerType" . }]
Below code-snippet will help you in adding star as marker-type to CanvasJS Chart.
//Add the below lines at the end of drawMarker method else if (markerType === "star") { var points = 6; ctx.strokeStyle = markerColor; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y + markerSize); for (var i = 0; i < 2 * points + 1; i++) { var r = (i % 2 == 0) ? markerSize : markerSize / 2; var a = Math.PI * i / points; ctx.lineTo(x + r * Math.sin(a), y + r * Math.cos(a)); }; ctx.closePath(); if (markerColor) ctx.fill(); } //Define marker-type in chart-options data: [{ ... markerType: "star", }]
— Vishwas R Team CanvasJS
Thanks for the details Vishwas.
I assume every time I update CanvasJS I will lose my changes?
Would you guys consider making a plugin system where we could register a module like that as a plugin so we don’t need to recreate it on each update?
Yes, you will have to update your source-code on every product release / update.
Thanks for the suggestion. We will reconsider this suggestion for our future releases.
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